Rebranding & Graphic Design

This project is based on a rebranding of a famous oil brand in Spain called Cornicabra.

in Spain called Cornicabra. The company wanted to renew its image,

transforming its concept from a traditional and old-fashioned idea to a young, creative and colorful idea to differentiate young, creative and colorful idea to differentiate itself from its competitors.

The idea was to create a campaign with different ads that we would place in different

different offline media, mostly on billboards in popular places in the major

billboards in popular places in the main cities of Spain (Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia)

(Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia) and on bus stops.

Each one of the creatives would contain a type of popular art adapted to a table with the products

adapted to a table with the products offered by the brand in an attractive way.

attractive. The arts used for these creativities were:

1. Modern art

2. Pop art

3. Abstract art

The slogan was “A new art on your table”, making reference to art and the delicious

as the delicious quality products offered by Cornicabra.

Made with

by Martini Lab